In person courses are conducted for clients in-house and can be tailored to your organisation or industry
Introduction to Partnering
This course is ideal for those who wish to gain some basic understanding around cross sector partnering.
It focusses on what partnering really is and why there is a growing movement towards cross sector partnering to solve complex challenges. It also presents a collection of simple frameworks for how to partner effectively.
0.5 day : up to 50 participants
Cabaret style. Ideal for combining with conferences & events
An interactive presentation with group exercises.
Getting Value from Partnering
Including key points from the half day course we go into greater depth on how to maximise value from cross sector partnering, how to ensure there is ‘buy in’ and support for the partnering process by all partners.
The program is focused on providing information and exploring concepts and approaches in more depth.
1 day : up to 30 participants
Cabaret style. Designed for greater
interaction and discussion
An interactive presentation with case studies and group exercises.
Partnering by Design™
This comprehensive 2 day course provides an in depth view of the why, what and how of cross sector partnering.
This course is focused on not only presenting information but in equipping participants with the necessary skills to partner effectively.
2 days : 12 - 20 participants
Cabaret style. Designed for greater
interaction and discussion
Plenary sessions and group activities in cabaret style with role playing exercises requiring break out rooms.
“The Partnering Essentials™ course has enabled us to ready our workforce for the many challenges and changes in our industry.”
Other Courses
Online Courses
Embedding participants with a solid introduction to cross-sector partnering.
These courses can be taken individually or in combinations depending on your needs and can be accessed on demand.
Blended Learning
Merging online courses with online facilitation or face 2 face sessions to maximise your knowledge and skill development and enhance flexibility.
Ideal for in house programs where participants can learn the fundamentals online and participate in group facilitated sessions either online or face to face.