News Articles

Let's face it - partnering is easy to say and harder in practice, especially to do it right. We’re always amazed when we undertake a Partnering Review for partners and how asking the right question at the right time can have an immediate impact on the partners, their process and their performance. In this article we share a few simple techniques to help partners improve their performance.
In the face of unprecedented global challenges like climate change and environmental sustainability, it's clear that partnering is not just beneficial – it's essential. The UN recently reported the earth isn't just warming; it's boiling!
In this critical moment, partnering offers the best opportunity to bring together diverse groups and create innovative solutions. However, effective partnering isn't without its challenges!
When people and organisations come together and look to partner, they are likely to have different expectations, objectives and value propositions. A key objective of any partnering process is to get everyone to the starting line together so that all the partners can move forward as one. But how do you get everyone to the starting line?
We’re often told that partnering is difficult, but what is it that is so challenging? Knowing the challenges and the right questions to ask at the right time is the key successful partnering.
An Independent Chair is not a new role in businesses, however we are now seeing more frequently the Independent Chair role being utlised in large scale reform projects and multi stakeholders intiatives.
So you're looking at taking your partnering to the next level but not sure what steps you can take to get there? We’ve put together a set of 8 actions that you can apply to your partnering to get real traction.
After 23 years in partnering, Ian takes the time to reflect on how far partnering has come, and what is next for partnering.
We often see large scale intiatives flounder as individuals and organisations try to make it happen. Armed with a plan, but they seem to focus on activities rather than the overall system they are operatiing in..
Partnering today is not delivering. Partnering has become the go to political phrase for just about everything. It has become such a general term that it has become virtually meaningless. We need to rethink ‘partnering’.