We need to rethink ‘Partnering’.
We’re currently faced with massive challenges in just about every part of society, such as climate change, aged care, our health systems, not to mention rising geopolitical tensions.
One common denominator with all these tough challenges is they cannot be solved by business, government, or civil society acting alone. They all require partnering and collaboration as a key enabler to find the solutions we so desperately need.
But the partnering and collaboration we see today is not delivering when it comes to solving these tough ‘wicked’ problems and challenges.
So, let’s get clear - not all partnering is the same!!
Partnering has become the go to political phrase for just about everything. You would be forgiven for thinking that everyone is collaborating and partnering for just about everything all the time.
Partnering has become such a general term that it has become virtually meaningless. In reality, the majority of partnering and collaboration that is undertaken today is ‘contracting’ dressed up under the language of ‘partnering’.
If we’re to enact real change, we need to move beyond these traditional ‘transactional type relationships’ where one sector or organisation decides the solution and the partnering is all about implementation – namely funding agreements.
To find creative solutions through partnering we need to have a different type of relationship between the partners. One that will enable co-created solutions and result in ‘radical’ or ‘dramatic change’.
It’s not about ‘business as usual’, with some small tweaking around the edges, but significant change that alters entire systems and how we work within them.
This requires a partnering relationship where there is a power balance between the partners, high levels of trust and a positive collaborative mindset by all involved.
We call this Creative Partnering, and it’s only with this type of partnering relationship that we’ll achieve the transformation and systems wide change that is needed.
Where there’s change there is opportunity
“Creating, developing, and sustaining these partnering relationships can be done simply, quickly, and effectively when those involved have the knowledge and skills in ‘how to partner’.”
With the election of a new Australian Government and a clear message from voters across the country for change we have the perfect opportunity to do things differently. To try new approaches, to partner differently so we can design and develop the creative solutions we so desperately need.
While much has been said about various policies or changes that are needed, designing the solution and implementing is the challenge.
Bringing together the key actors around a specific challenge or tough problem and then taking them on a journey to co-design a solution is no easy task.
Often, we assume that everyone can just work together internally and externally but this is not always the case, and we waste so much time and resources in not doing this effectively.
Creating, developing, and sustaining these partnering relationships can be done simply, quickly, and effectively when those involved have the knowledge and skills in ‘how to partner’.
With the right collaborative mindset, the required partnering skills and organisational buy in from the partners involved we can capture these opportunities and enact real change.